So, for the last, let's call it N number of years, Donald J Trump has sent tax returns into the IRS. It is in his interest for the income on these returns to be as little as possible, so that he could pay as little tax as possible (less income = less tax, and DJ Trump is the guy who famously cashed a 13-cent check, so presumably he would make aggressive choices with regard to tax avoidance, even if this did not edge into tax evasion — avoidance is legal, evasion is not).
At the same time, Donald J Trump has submitted his tax returns to lenders to get loans. It is onhis interest for the income on *these* returns to be as *much* as possible (more income = bigger loan, and/or better loan terms).
So here’s my question: was the 2015 tax return as submitted to the Internal Revenue Service the *same* as the 2015 tax return submitted to, say, Deutsche Bank?
This is a question that I've been pondering lately.