I hope you have a deeper strategy than offering people a chance to have "dinner with Barack" and/or "meet George Clooney."
I really, really do.
We are in serious trouble here in this country. We don't have jobs. We don't have health care. We don't have a Supreme Court we can trust (well, we can trust them to do the wrong thing, but we can't really trust them to do the right thing). We don't have a functional government.
Things are bad.
I get that you're trying to solicit donations, get small ones, recapture the magic of 2008. It was a heady time.
Those days after Sarah Palin proved to be a huge stinkbomb, and we all started to believe that we were going to elect not only a democrat, but a democrat we could be proud of, an amazing, intelligent, not-fatally-flawed democrat. Well, wow. it was something. We cried. We really did. I still get choked up, actually, thinking about it.
And it turned out that the problems that were just starting to surface were worse than we thought. And I think that the things that were done, by the Obama administration, and by the majorities in the House and the Senate, were vital, and kept us all from going into a depression that would have made The Great Depression have to be renamed (just as The Great War had to be renamed after WWII proved just how insignificant WWI was in comparison).
This Clooney stuff is insulting. Clooney is a good guy, I'm sure, and he has good teeth, but this is serious. This election is the most serious election of our time (Election II, as it were).
Please, please don't inflict any more of this movie star bullshit on us. That's not why we're on your lists.