We have obtained a super-secret memo from The Maverick Bunker (TM) outlining John McCain's upcoming campaign strategies.
As we know, McCain was finally able successfully to seize the attention of the press and the initiative in late August by his veep choice of Sarah Palin, which dominated the news cycle for approximately two weeks until the convenient US financial meltdown allowed him to distract attention from his previous distraction by providing his next crazy-like-a-fox maneuver, i.e. canceling his own presidential campaign and threatening to not show up for the first debate against his opponent, Barack Obama.
Sarah Palin, initially viewed by much of the electorate as "shiny", is now seen also as probably "pointy" (even, by many, as "potentially tipped with Amazonian toad poison"), causing many to reconsider gathering her up to use in the construction of the nests in which they plan to spend the next four years of intensive egg incubation.
Luckily, just as "pointy" was beginning to sink in, it was 1929 all over again, and John McCain was able to get us all chattering again over whether his decision to suspend his campaign was insane, or whether it just "appears" to be insane because it is, in fact, layer #29 of the next deep Rovian plan.