Not fetuses, babies, actual born babies, that their moms want and have decided they're ready to have, and want to love and care for, the 12.5% of babies that are born premature in the US, which has the greatest rate of premature births in the developed world.
High rates of premature birth are the main reason the United States has higher infant mortality than do many other rich countries, government researchers reported Tuesday in their first detailed analysis of a longstanding problem.
Why are so many babies born premature in the US?
Oh, gosh, can we guess?
Could it have something to do with the fact that the moms of these babies are poor and have no access to health care?
Oh, golly, it could in fact have something to do with that!
Poor access to prenatal care, maternal obesity and smoking, too-early cesarean sections and induced labor and fertility treatments are among the reasons for preterm births, experts said.