The most exciting thing about the confluence of
the internet and politics is the extent to which a $5 contribution by me, here in texas, can make a huge ripple in the public discourse. I can contribut to Michelle Bachman's opponent, or I can...
View ArticleLGBT marriage, Michael Jackson & my dead dad
My dad died almost exactly a year ago. He and my mom had been married for more than 50 years. They had three children, and during the course of their long marriage, as a result of luck and thrift, they...
View ArticleMy rescission
I'm 49, not obese, in relatively good health. I'm a self-employed professional. I've had continuous health coverage my whole life. I passionately believe in insuring against potential catastrophic...
View ArticleOFA visit with Christian Scientist Lamar Smith (R-TX), district 21
So, OFA asked me to visit my State Representative, and communicate to him/her my support for Obama's health reform initiative, and share my personal story with his staff. Well, the office happens to be...
View Articletexas tribune survey: texans are well informed (not)
Some mornings, I wake up, and although it's been more than fifteen years I've been living here, I have a start of fear, shame, and loathing, as I think "ohmigawd, I moved to Texas". It's the kind of...
View ArticleBart Stupak doesn't care if 8000 babies die each year
Not fetuses, babies, actual born babies, that their moms want and have decided they're ready to have, and want to love and care for, the 12.5% of babies that are born premature in the US, which has the...
View ArticleI attended a town hall with my Republican Representative
Who is, needless to say, a frothing idiot. He was frothing on about how horrible the deficit is, and how we need to slash spending. It occurred to me that what we need isn't Paul Krugman making...
View ArticleA graduated estate tax?
This will be a short diary. I have been thinking about the estate tax after filling out my interactive NY Times budget, and choosing "1 million" (the lowest option available) as the floor for...
View ArticleSome Random Thoughts on Colonial America
About the US constitution: Why don't Democrats, in response to insane Tea Bagger constitutional originalists, say:Hey, you know what? The constitution was a great founding document. But the world was...
View ArticleWords we wish would be used more often
There are some words that it's just a pleasure to read/and or articulate.Here is one:"galoot"defined at dictionary as an "awkward, eccentric, or foolish person"Of course, it's typically...
View ArticlePoor stupid women
Poor women. They are so stupid, each one who gets an abortion without realizing that what they have in their uteri is a comma of flesh that, with some imagination, can be made to be thought of as...
View ArticleYou're welcome, Bank of America
So, Bank of America got 45 billion dollars in the bailout. Even spiffier, they've been borrowing money from the Fed for, well, nothing, and then buying Treasuries and garnering 3.5%During one...
View ArticleHow Republican plans screw the military and the wealthy
Two teabagger imperatives, not raising the debt limit, & giving retired seniors vouchers to pay for individual insurance on the private insurance market constitute a devastating attack by...
View ArticleSenator Cornyn's staff strangely defensive
OK, so my senator and my representative are both awful. This is Texas. Still, periodically I send them emails and/or call their offices, because, I guess, I believe in some level in representative...
View ArticleDear OFA
Stop sending me god damn daily emails titled "frustrated" and asking me to donate $5 for dinner with Obama. Stop with the whining and nagging.Ask me to do something real. Organize a protest at my local...
View ArticleI'm giving up on my profession
...which is sad, because I'm good at it, and I have a Master's degree in it, and getting licensure was truly a bitch. But I'm 52 years old, I don't want to be self-employed (liability, and also I like...
View ArticleAbortion is good
Abortion empowers women. Abortion allows women to pick the time at which they choose to have children. Abortion allows women to pick the partner who will co-parent the children they have. Abortion...
View ArticleGOP Telemarketers are in the 99%
So, I just got a call from the District of Columbia, shown on my Caller ID as being from 202-629-9767. I suspected it was a robo-call, but I took it, because it was either that or read more of my...
View ArticleMike Huckabee just called again
I'm much crabbier than I was the last time he called -- this is the third scam telemarketing call I've gotten today, and my back hurts, and I keep thinking it might be my mom, who is sick, so each time...
View ArticleUnicorns, baby, unicorns!
Apologies for the very short diary, but I just thought of a fabulous idea after reading Adam Davidson's article in the NYTimes magazine from today about gas prices. Brilliant article, as always, by the...
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