Should all members of the lucky sperm club get to run the country? Wasn’t getting away from that system the thing we fought the Revolutionary War about?
Alternate questions:
Donald Trump swore under penalty of perjury that his tax returns were correct. Was he lying? If not, why not let people see them?
Donald Trump cheated on his first wife & the mother of his first three kids, and he cheated on his second wife & the mother of his fourth kid...who else did he cheat?
Why does Donald Trump talk about rape so much?
Honest-to-God Nazis like Donald Trump...didn’t the US use to be the anti-Nazi country, like, wasn’t that what World War II was about? (homage to Crashing Vor)
You may not like Hillary Clinton, but who do you think is more likely to use nuclear weapons because somebody somewhere has said something mean, Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump?
Why does Donald Trump think he can bring manufacturing jobs back to the US when the stuff he sells under his own brand is made for cheap in other countries?
Donald Trump says he’s greedy for the country...but maybe he’s just greedy. Most greedy people are greedy for themselves...that’s kind of the point of the word “greedy”
People who support him know he’s for those folks who think his advisers would stop him from doing something really bad (we’re talking about nukes again, obviously), really? Even his kids can’t even keep him off Twitter.
So, one of the most important things for a strong economy is that people can be pretty sure that they know that things won’t change fast. Who do you think would be steadier, more predictable...Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton?
Last time the markets panicked, we went into a recession for, like, ever...are we really ready to do that again?
Trump is a big strong guy. Why didn’t he volunteer for Vietnam like John Kerry or John McCain?
Would Trump really be in charge, or does he just want a plane he doesn’t have to pay for? Why is Donald Trump running for president? Is it because President Obama made fun of him at a fancy dinner?
When Larry King could trick Donald Trump into doing a TV show, what does that say for Donald Trump’s capacity to not be snookered by people, where there’s a lot more at stake than where a TV show is aired?
The attempt with the above questions is to simplify Donald Trump’s various badnesses so that they are easy to understand.
Here is what I see as essential Trump, and where he is vulnerable:
- not rich
- coward
- silly
- ignorant
- unreliable
- unstable
- venal
Here is what I see as essential Trump, but where he is least vulnerable:
- racist
- misogynistic
- authoritarian
- violence-inciting
The people who support him already, the racist anti-women violence-mongering ones, won’t be swayed. The Independents who would vote for him don’t think they’re racist, anti-women violence-mongers, and to suggest that they are alienates them (that is what Hillary Clinton was really saying with “basket of deplorables” when you drill down to the other half of her statement).