Attempts appealing to Donald Trump’s better nature will fail.
He has no better nature.
Shed tears in front of a narcissist and he despises you even more than he did before. Tears are a sign of weakness, and signal to the narcissist that he is winning over you in his power struggle.
On the other hand, what narcissists keep in their secret heart-cabinets (they have no actual heart, but they do have a place of darkness where normal people keep their hearts), is a profound sense of impostor syndrome...that people will figure out that they are not smart, not powerful, not rich, not attractive, not...whatever it is that they think is important (which changes from narcissist to narcissist, but I think it’s fair to say about Donald Trump that *rich* followed by *powerful* are reasonable guesses).
It’s hard for intelligent people to understand the best way to argue with a narcissist. They don’t have the practice. They think that appeals to conscience, to empathy, to reason will work.
Those won’t work. A narcissist has no conscience (he has never done anything wrong), empathy (there are no other people), reason (his need always and forever outweighs reason).
The best thing you can do with a narcissist is go away from him. Unfortunately, one is now President of the United States, and it’s hard to get away.
The second best thing you can do with a narcissist is to make him physically afraid of you. Since President Thing is now President, hitting him with a 2x4 probably won’t work, since the Secret Service might intervene. However, threats of physical violence are still probably very effective. That is why he was so unnerved by the protests. I think that the best thing we can do in the coming days and weeks is keep up protests, massive protests, in areas where seeing the protesters is unavoidable. That means where-ever he is going to be physically present, at Trump-branded properties (especially Trump Tower, which I think he views as an inorganic extension of his own meaty corpus), and on TV. It’s a strong man who can look out over a crowd of a thousand angry people and not be intimidated.
The third best thing you can do with a narcissist is dig him where is most vulnerable. Where he is most vulnerable is in his own sense of his own power and importance. So right now, here is what you say to Donald Trump:
“Good job, Donald J. Trump. You’ve just protected America from a bunch of impoverished powerless women and five-year-old girls”
You say:
“President Barack Obama didn’t need to handcuff five-year-old kids to keep this country safe”
You say:
“What a pussy you are, Donald J. ascared of terrorist boogeymen that you’re going to write a rule that would have kept your own mom out of the country.”
You basically have to figure out what a second-grader would say, and say that thing.