the internet and politics is the extent to which a $5 contribution by me, here in texas, can make a huge ripple in the public discourse. I can contribut to Michelle Bachman's opponent, or I can threaten to send my $5 to somebody who will primary Baucus, or I can send it to a fund which will target Blue Dog Democrats opposed to a public option (PBDDOPO, or BD Oppo for short). These guys gauge 94% of their positions on what they think will get them re-elected, 5% on what will get them money, and 1% on what they think is right. So let's primary the bastages. I'd love to send money to a BD Oppo fund. It doesn't even take a lot of money to win a seat in a lot of these little podunk states. The one thing that amazes me when I look at special interest contributions to politicians is how little they sell out for.