My S.O. and I were on a long drive yesterday, and to pass the time, we decided to come up with some of the most outrageous Republican talking points.
They turn the Overton window into a brick wall. They say day is night.
And they get away with it.
Here are a few:
"Guns don't kill people" -- not only do they kill people, they kill them swiftly and efficiently. That's what they were invented for.
"He kept us safe" -- we can let Donald Trump argue this one for us, and I never thought I'd say it, but he's doing a great job.
"There is no Global Warming" -- science is not something you "believe". Science is. If you're religious, and think perhaps the earth is only 6000 years old? If God went to all the trouble to plant fossils around to make us think the earth is older, shouldn't we at least pretend to believe Him? Even for Him, that was a lot of work.
"Lowering taxes increases tax revenue" -- just no. Do you go to your boss and say "lower my salary so I can have more to spend every month?" No. No no no.
"Immigrants are bad" -- anybody who is not a Native American who says this should just kick himself in the forehead
Democrats are so thoughtful and so reality based, and these lies are so crazy that we try and try to argue our way to rationality with the lie spewers. But that has proven to not work.
Eye rolling? Scornful laughter? Saying "You know, when something seems like it doesn't make sense, maybe it doesn't actually make sense"