What corporations get for cheap & what they should give back
Corporations benefit from a great deal of things funded by all taxpayers.They include: -- taxpayer subsidized education of all young people, from k-12th grade. Not only does this education allow...
View ArticleLessons from preparing taxes for normal people
The tax code is fucked. And entrenched interests have the deck stacked so hard and in so many devious ways about normal folks, that the only way out is a rant.A couple who work in a supermarket (her),...
View ArticleUsing the "sunk cost fallacy" to motivate turnout in the 2014 midterms
People are not very good at realizing that "sunk costs," i.e. investments they have already made should be disregarded when they are deciding whether to make future investments.This is a pervasive...
View ArticleThis is not a joke. "Female-named hurricanes kill more than male-named...
...because people do not respect them, study finds."I usually do not write diaries that merely link to articles written by other people in the media (well, I usually do not write diaries ever).But how...
View ArticleA modest proposal
1. Donate surplus military armaments not only to our police, but to other providers of public service (city governments, schools) 2. Facilitate the sale of these surplus military armaments to public...
View ArticleIt's time to re-brand "government" -- take back the Right
It's time to reframe Reagan's famous scornful line:"I'm from the government, and I'm here to help"Let's make this one feel good again.The government isn't them, it's us.The framers of the Constitution...
View ArticleI really love President Obama, but why doesn't he say...
"Please get out and vote. Please get out and vote for Democrats. We need government now. When we are facing threats like Ebola, and global warming, and new threats in the middle east, we need a...
View ArticleHere is what I don't understand about the Supreme Court
...taking up the question about whether Obamacare enrollees in the Federal exchange should be given subsidies.Nobody, nobody ever envisioned that states would refuse to set up exchanges when the...
View ArticleI like Elizabeth Warren
I just read jamess' (jamess's) diary, and watched her speech. There's something about the woman. She's passionate, she is real, she is articulate. She explaings things really well, even relatively...
View ArticleA funny thing happened on the way to my Sarah Palin Schadenfreude-fest
I watched the clip of Sarah Palin in Iowa, and I sloped off to the internets to read everything I could to more fully enjoy wallowing in her embarrassment.One of the first columns I read was Kathleen...
View ArticleIf the GOP doesn't want Planned Parenthood to cost-cover
by taking money in exchange for fetal tissue that would otherwise be incinerated, maybe they should support the use of government funds to subsidize the costs of abortion.And maybe they should support...
View ArticleRepublican Lying Points
My S.O. and I were on a long drive yesterday, and to pass the time, we decided to come up with some of the most outrageous Republican talking points.They turn the Overton window into a brick wall. They...
View ArticleThings aren't perfect and we should work to make them better
The world could be better. We could have a better President. It would be nicer if we had more elected representatives in the House and the Senate that a) were Democrats, and b) were more progressive...
View ArticleI am so freaking glad Bernie Sanders is running
Progressive ideas are actually being aired!Hillary Clinton is triangulating! Furthermore, she may be staying up nights wondering if being bold might actually pay off. She may be seeing that there is...
View ArticleSex is a human right.
This diary is only about consensual sex.The absolute decision as to whether or not to have sex is a human right. It should not be within the power of the state to deny any man or woman to have with a...
View ArticleOn the Ground in Austin, Texas
I live about 10 minutes from downtown Austin. In the past three days, I've had one live Obama volunteer come to my door. I've had two live people call me and urge me to vote for Obama. I've had zero...
View ArticleWhat's wrong with money?
I think Obama's main problem in this race is his "spin deficit". I fail to understand why he and his spokespeople are not making the argument that a person who can raise enough money to outspend his...
View ArticleHow stupid do the Republicans think women are?
Do Republicans really think that women can't tell the difference between Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin?Do Republicans really, honestly think that when it comes to voting, women's thought processes go...
View ArticleLove, motherhood, and politics
I was driving my son and his friend to a debating practice yesterday, and I said "what do you boys think about Palin as McCain's running mate?"One boy said "she was governor of Alaska ... oh, and she's...
View ArticleThis is Feminists For Life actual contraception position:
Time Magazine on John McCain's VP pick:She [Palin] is Christian and pro-life, but also a supporter of birth control: she's a member of Feminists For Life (FFL), an anti-abortion, pro-contraception...
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